About Face Time

Graceful negotiation for the signs of aging

Have you heard about hot cloth cleansing (aka the portable oil cleansing method)?

One of the strangest looks I receive from clients is when I suggest that they use oil, yes oil to cleanse their skin! Especially if the client complains of oily skin/acne/break outs to begin with. A few of them have even stated that it would never, ever, ever work on their skin.

Since this method (Oil Cleansing Method, or OCM) stormed the internet with cult-like followers, I decided I would try it for myself and see what the fuss was all about. I didn’t just like it, I LOVE it.

About Face TN OCM Cleanser

About Face TN OCM Cleanser

So, how does it work? Well the theory is that like things dissolve like things. Therefore, if you want to dissolve bad oil from your skin, use a good oil to not only take care of that problem, but also leave it quite clean! I started seeing OCM’s at many health and wellness stores and it was kind of expensive! So what kind of oil? Well, I found that this really depends on each persons skin type and climate they live in – so I set out to create an OCM that almost anyone can use – and still see great results. After a few trial and error batches, I finally settled on these ingredients:

Shea butter


Castor Oil – (WAY better than having to drink it!)

Olive Oil

Essential Oils – Eucalyptus, Lavender & Rosemary

First, all of the solid oils and wax are melted using a double boiler. Then, the liquid oils are added and gently stirred. The mixture is them poured into 4 ounce glass containers, allowed to cool and the lids are secured.

Castor oil has deep cleansing properties and I found when used with the ingredients above, any oily or waxy feeling on the skin when your cleansing, is easily steamed off with a hot as you can stand, washcloth. (A clean washcloth each time you cleanse, please).

So far, I’ve made two versions of this. One with my base amount of castor oil (for regular/combo skin) and one with an extra helping of castor oil for those with really oily skin. The results are amazing!

To use: Scoop out some cleanser with your clean fingers. Warm the oil up a little if necessary by rubbing it between your fingers and then apply to your face. Massage it pretty well into your skin in small circular motions with your fingers. It is my experience that many of us do not take the time to use products correctly – and if you do not heat the product up to at least the same temperature of your skin, how will it be absorbed? In order to work – all skincare products must reach an effective temperature.   I normally spend 2-3 minutes cleansing by using small circular movements with my fingers. If there is any area where I feel like I need a deeper cleanse, I concentrate a little more in that area (sides of the nose, chin and forehead usually needs some extra attention).  Then, i just take my washcloth and get it as warm as I can stand it. After wringing out the excess water, I simply place the washcloth over my face for a couple of I then wipe off any excess cleanser and immediately grab my jade roller out of the fridge and roll my face! If you do not have a jade roller you can always finish your cleansing process by splashing a little cool water on your skin.

This cleanser is now available both in the treatment room and on our Etsy shop! The cost is $14. Visit our Etsy shop by clicking here.

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What can I expect during my dermaplane appointment?

I’ve compiled a list of my most frequently asked Q&A’s regarding dermaplaning.

dermaplaning photo fixed

What can I expect during my dermaplane appointment?
Dermaplane treatments last about 20-30 minutes. Your face will be cleansed, and a sterile blade will be used to gently exfoliate your skin. This treatment removes the thin, top layer of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair (peach fuzz) through a gentle scraping process with a blade designed specifically for this process. This exfoliation process prevents dead skin buildup that can make small facial wrinkles and acne scars appear larger, and often – what gives skin the “ruddy” look.  Dead skin cells are what typically make your skin feel rough.

What can I expect after my dermaplane?
Dermaplaning is non-invasive and has a very low risk of any complications. It clearly is one of the safest skin rejuvenation procedures available – and my favorite process to offer client that are pregnant and/or nursing who require exfoliation/rejuvenation services but whom shouldn’t use chemicals. Some clients will experience some mild redness for an hour or so after dermaplane, but this is temporary. Personally, in the hour or two after I do my own dermaplane, I find myself “stretching” my jaw because my skin feels tight (this is good, right?!) -and the closest thing I can compare the sensation to is that for the first day my skin feels like it has a slight wind burn (with no redness). To the touch it is incredibly soft and hair-free! There is no downtime for this process and many clients have this during their lunch hour and return immediately to work.

When will I see results?
Immediately! However, optimal results require regular maintenance treatments. If your skin has lost it’s look of vitality, how many years did it take for it to get that way? It takes time (approximately 32 days) to regenerate new skin cells, and with each dermaplane process, you are building a better foundation for new healthy skin cells.

dermaplane about face 2

Can I combine my dermaplane with other treatments?
The answer to that is a resounding absolutely – yes! Not only can you combine a dermaplane with a chemical peel, or laser treatments, you should!  By removing the outermost layer of the epidermis, whatever rejuvenating treatment that follows will without a doubt penetrate deeper and have a much more long-lasting effect. All laser genesis treatments are started with dermaplaning. Below is an example of how I use dermaplaning in combination with Laser/IPL treatments for faster more efficient results.

dermaplane about face

Will the “peach fuzz” (or any hair on my face) grow back darker and thicker after a dermaplane?
No. This is a common myth, but the hair on your face is not the same as the hair on your legs or bikini line. It will not be effected in any negative way by dermaplaning. In fact, many clients provide testimony in regards to the reduction in volume of fine vellus hair that grows back after several treatments. Although dermaplaning is not an FDA cleared treatment for the permanent reduction of facial hair (as is laser), many clients would indicate that the reduction of fine vellus hair is an added bonus to this treatment.

Can anyone have dermaplane?

Anyone with general good health can have dermaplane, yes. Dermaplane works on all skin types and colors to produce excellent results, with no skin color change or scarring. Safe for teen acne as well as older adults with thinner/more fragile skin and pregnant women.

Regular use of dermaplane treatments will improve or eliminate superficial skin problems. However, it is not the most effective treatment for problems such as stretch marks, keloids (an overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a healed skin injury) reducing fine-lined wrinkles, or very deep acne scars. Laser Genesis is far more effective in the treatment of these conditions.

To read a former About Face post about dermaplane, click here.

To schedule an appointment, click here.

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DIY facial cleansing pads with how to instructions

Honestly I wasn’t even sure if they still made Oxy pads, but a quick google search, and I discovered they still do make them. They were all the rage when I was a teen. I used one ONCE. I thought it would erase the one huge pimple I had on my forehead and I would look flawless like this….d122e560fad8b100664dc355501f5bed (3)Instead, due to the high content of alcohol and my sensitive skin, I’m sure I looked a little more like this:


and for continuity sake, this is the real me as a teen (and one of my brothers). Look at all that acne!


Flash forward about 27 years – my kids needed (and I needed them to use) facial cleansing pads of some sort. Teen girls tend to get some cyclical acne in the T-zone while teen boys seem to get it everywhere. Even teens without acne will experience a large increase in blackheads specifically around the nose. So I took a jelly jar into the treatment room to see what I could whip up. Of course, I still clean my face (exclusively) with grape seed oil, but I knew I wouldn’t mind a anti-aging treatment pad to use after I cleansed my skin at night. After making two recipes and trying them in our own bathrooms, as well as the treatment room for several months, we decided to share the recipe and how-to’s with all of you.

1. Gather needed supplies

Teen acne cleansing pads: witch hazel, Lavender & Melaleuca Essential Oil, 2 aspirin tablets,14 cotton rounds, 1 jelly jar

Anti-aging or adult acne scar reduction cleansing pads: witch hazel, Lavender, Frankincense & Lemon Essential oil, 14 cotton rounds, 1 jelly jar.

ingredients pads

2. Mixing instructions:

Teen acne pads: first, place your two aspirin tablets (the non coated/inexpensive kind) into a plastic bag and pound them with a small hammer or rolling pin to crush them up. Pour the crushed aspirin into your jelly jar. (remember aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid – which is exactly how they make salicylic acid in most acne products on the market.

Place 3 ounces of witch hazel in a separate small container. Add 3 drops of melaleuca and 3 drops of Lavender into the witch hazel. Pour into the jelly jar with the crushed aspirin and place the lid on. Shake it up to mix/dissolve the aspirin. After it has dissolved, open the jelly jar and pour the mixture back into the other container.
crushed aspirin

jelly jar solutionVoila! Done. Parental unit hint: if you use 14 pads(which fit perfectly) into the jelly jar sized (4 ounce) container, it’s easy to see if your teen is using at least two pads each day! I make a new solution every Sunday and get everyone’s refilled for the week. Simple, fast – and effective. OH – and inexpensive! Here’s the breakdown:

Jelly jar – .87 each

Witch hazel  -.60 for 3 ounces

Melaleuca – .21 for 3 drops

Lavender – .24 for 3 drops

Cotton rounds – .28 for 14

Total cost for first time making container: $2.20. Cost for making each refill – just $1.33 per week! (Reuse same jelly jar).

Adult anti-aging/scar reducing cleansing pads: Use the same method as above. If you are an adult that does not have acne, skip the aspirin step. The power house here for anti-aging is the Frankincense Essential oil (EO). It is proven to soften fine-lined wrinkles, smooth out the skin and reduce the appearance of scars.

Recipe: 3 ounces of witch hazel – add 4 drops of Frankincense EO, 3 drops of Lavender EO and 2 drops of Lemon EO – especially if you have some brown spots or discoloration on your face.

* You’ll notice in the photo above that shows the supplies needed for adult cleansing pads, I have an asterisk beside Lemon EO. This is important! If you are planning to use these pads in the morning – and DO NOT wear a daily facial sunscreen, please do not use Lemon EO. Lemon is a known photosensitizing oil – therefore it’s use can make your skin especially sensitive to sun/light exposure. The same goes for lemonade, water with lemon or any other photosensitizing EO (such as grapefruit and lime). If you are living south of the mason dixon line, or on vacation during the summer and you apply or ingest these oils – you are much more sun-sensitive!

If you are wearing a daily sunscreen, then no worries. Personally, I never use a corrective or anti-aging product in the morning, I use them only at night. I do this because, first – when you are out and about and exposed to environmental factors, I doubt they have the ability to be that effective. I feel it’s a waste of money. Second, since the pH of the skin tends to even out during sleep (and no environmental assault it taking place) – I believe the skin is better capable of absorbing the peptides in these power house products.

Cost breakdown for adult cleansing pad solution:

Jelly jar – .87 each

Witch hazel  -.60 for 3 ounces

Frankincense EO – .1.12 for 4 drops

Lavender EO – .24 for 3 drops

Lemon EO – .08 for 2 drops

Cotton rounds – .28 for 14

Total cost for first time making container: $3.19. Cost for making each refill – just $2.32 per week! (Reuse same jelly jar).

As always – if you are not currently an Essential Oil fan, nor have them on hand, we would be glad to make them for you. In most cases, we have them available in the treatment room. However, since Essential Oils oxidize quickly – we do not leave them on the shelf for long amounts of time. (No more than one week). If you know you need or want something – please contact us ahead of time so we can be sure they are ready for you. Our in-spa cost for the teen acne cleansing pads is $4 and the adult anti-aging version is $5.00. About Face also extends wholesale pricing to it’s treatment clients for Essential Oils. If you want to save on shipping, and on retail prices – let us know which you’d like and we’ll be sure to have them for you. The EO’s mentioned above are common skincare EO’s and we do our best to always have at least one full bottle in stock. Example: Lemon Essential Oil retails for $13.33, however – current clients (have had at least one treatment in the last 12 months) will pay $10 wholesale for Lemon EO. Other’s mentioned here are: Lavender – $28 retail; $21 for About Face clients. Melaleuca – $25.33 retail; $19 About Face clients. Frankincense – $93.00 retail; $69.75 for About Face clients.

Sample sizes: About Face also has sample sizes available of any oil you’d like to try. Sample sizes are 1.5 ml (approximately 25 drops of EO per sample).

Here are the most common skin oils:

Lavender – 1.5ml sample – $2.25

Melaleuca – 1.5ml sample – $2.00

Lemon – 1.5ml sample – $1.25

Frankincense – 1.5ml sample – $4.50

teens back to school

Our annual back to school Teen skin “free and clear” program is back. If you have or know a teen that would benefit from this treatment plan – sign them up.

4 Weekly visits between 7/13/15 & 8/17/15. Each appointment will last approximately 45 minutes – with the exception of the first session, which will last approximately 1 hour 15 minutes to allow time for consultation. Teen can pick any day or time for their appointments.  What’s included:

before and after acneConsultation with review of current product use, activity level, diet/nutrition, sleep patterns and current condition of skin. At the end of the this consultation, the teen will receive for no additional charge – 1 regular sized bottle of facial cleanser (approximately 3 months of use); their first week of facial cleansing pads & a bottle of grapeseed oil with tea tree added. They will also have written instructions (personalized) for them as well as skincare journals with instructions for use. The will bring this journal each week to their appointments. They will have their first treatment immediately following their consultation. *Parents are not required to stay for the visit, but they are required to sign a release/permission to treat for any teen under 18 years old.

During each 45 minute treatment – a teen facial with extractions as needed will be performed. If the teen would like, their brows can be shaped and/or groomed at this time (no extra cost). All treatments are customized for each teen.

Value of package:

Facial cleanser – $20

Cleansing pads – $20

Treatments – $200

Consultation – $50

Grapeseed oil – $6.00

Journal’s – $3.00

Total value of package: $299.00. Mention this blog post and enroll your teen for $150. 

the fine print: Spaces are limited to 20, and last year they did sell out. Use the contact us page to request this package. Slots are guaranteed with payment.  Refund policy: if illness or other special circumstances prevents the teen from finishing the package, the discounted price paid can be credited for future use or the value transferred to another friend or family member of any age/any treatment. Credits will be issued at sale price, not regular retail price. For example: if your teen enrolls and receives product, but does not finish all treatments, a credit of $25 per treatment will be issued to their account. They may use this at anytime toward any regularly priced service, or transfer to someone else. Another words – the dollars paid will never be lost. Credits will be issued for the sale amount paid, not the full retail value of the service. (Seems simple, right? Trust us – we’ve had clients request refunds on a buy one get one free special. They bought a treatment and received it. They decided they wanted a refund on the second treatment – which was free. If anyone figures out how to refund free- let me know -I am still puzzled!)


Do you know a teen that would benefit from this package, but would not be able to afford it? Last year, we were able to gift two teens with free back-to-school skincare packages, and it made our hearts sing! We’re offering this again. If 10 of our slots fill up, we’ll be gifting one and if all 20 fill up – we’ll again, gift two teens. If you know a teen, please nominate them by emailing Lori at (thatwoodardgirl12@gmail.com). Be sure the teen would be able to have transportation to the weekly appointments, as well as able to get a parent/guardian signature for treatment if under 18.

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